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RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic Feminine Supplement, 30 Count

RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic Feminine Supplement, 30 Count

Regular price ₱2,848.00 PHP
Regular price ₱2,848.00 PHP Sale price ₱2,848.00 PHP
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Why should I take RepHresh Pro-B supplement every day?

Studies have shown that the vaginal yeast counts of healthy women fluctuate significantly within a given month. In most cases, women are unaware of these fluctuations. Because the vaginal flora is so easily and unknowingly disrupted, it is important to take RepHresh Pro-B supplement every day for maintenance. When taken daily, RepHresh Pro-B supplement is clinically* shown to balance yeast and bacteria to help maintain feminine health.

Does yogurt offer the same feminine health benefit as RepHresh Pro-B feminine supplement?

No. While there are yogurts that add probiotics to promote immunity, digestive or other health benefits, RepHresh Pro-B supplement is specially designed to promote vaginal health.

Why is pH important?

● pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. pH is described as a number from 0-14. The lower the number, the more acidic. Normal vaginal pH is 3.5 to 4.5, which is fairly acidic.

● At a normal vaginal pH of 3.5 to 4.5, the vaginal canal contains a balance of necessary bacteria and some yeast cells, referred to as the vaginal flora. This delicate balance can be easily disturbed.

● Vaginal probiotic supplements can help maintain the delicate balance of the vaginal flora.

Benefits of RepHresh Pro-B

To be effective, a probiotic must contain live, active cultures, and contain a strain specific to your needs.

Many products on the market may contain probiotics, lactobacillus, and/or acidophilus. In some cases, these products do not contain live, active cultures.

Many products contain probiotic strains that are designed to promote immunity, digestive or other health benefits, but are not specific to vaginal health.

How long do I have to take RepHresh Pro-B supplement before I see results?

*Clinical studies show that RepHres Pro-B supplement beings working within 7 days. Continued daily use provides optimum benefits.

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