How to Buy from Us
Two ways to Buy:
- Shop from
- Can't find what you're looking for? Send us a link of the item you want.
Option 1: Shop from
- Search for your item through our search bar
- Add your item to card
- Check out
- Pay through any of our payment methods
- Wait for your item to be delivered in 6-12 working days, if not otherwise indicated in the product page's delivery schedule
Option 2: Let us know what you want
- Send us the product name or photo or link of the item you want via email at
- We'll send you a price quote within 24 business hours.
- Pay for the item via Paypal, bank deposit or online funds transfer and email us the proof of payment.
- Receive your item at your doorstep in 6-12 working days (from the day we receive your item at our US facility)