Dyna-zyme is a blend of proprietary enzymes. Dyna-zyme is designed to Cleanse your plants roots, soil, media & hydroponic systems of plant exudates, bio-film, sludge, slime & algae. Dyna-zyme works in conjunction with mycorrhizae & beneficial bacteria to break down nutrients, Organics, sweeteners, carbohydrates & dead plant material. This clears the pores of the roots allowing for vigorous nutrient uptake into the plant. It is naturally brewed with certified organic & food grade ingredients. Dyna-zyme is 100% pure enzymes with no bacteria, oils, detergents, soaps, surfactants, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, collodial silver or harsh chemicals that can hurt your plants or microbes. 100% pure enzymes with no bacteria, oils, detergents, soaps, surfactants, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, collodial Silver or harsh chemicals.