Are You at Risk for a Heart Attack?
You Can Control Some Risks
The more you know about managing stress, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other controllable heart attack risk factors, the more you’re living the heart-healthy way. Here are some of the risks that you can control:
- Smoking.
- Lack of Physical Activity.
- Being Overweight.
- A Fatty, Salty or Sugary Diet.
- High cholesterol (HDL).
- High Blood Pressure.
- Stress.
- Diabetes.
Some Risks Are Out Of Your Control
There are some unavoidable risk factors for a heart attack – age and family history, for example. Still, it’s good to know what they are and discuss them with your doctor. Here are some of the risks that are out of your control:
- Age.
- Family History.
- Gender.
- Race/Ethnicity.
Get Moving to Get Heart Healthy
How Moving Your Body Can Help Your Heart.
Your heart is a muscle. So just like the rest of your body, exercise makes it stronger. Exercise can lower the risk of heart disease in healthy people. Heart disease patients can also cut their risk of dying from heart disease.